The Driving Forces Behind PSAP Consolidation

Despite the constantly changing technology demands of 911 systems, limited financial resources have made it difficult for public agencies to keep up. Instead, many are seeking out opportunities to share services — and the associated financial burdens—through the consolidation of emergency communication operations.

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PSAP consolidation has demonstrated cost savings amount political entities via shared equipment, personnel, and physical facilities.

Donald Harpster
IT Coordinator, Stark County Sheriff's Office, Ohio

Claim Your FREE Whitepaper

PSAP-Consolidation-Whitepaper-cover.pngDiscover the nine reasons to consolidate. Fill out the form below to claim your whitepaper.

PSAP consolidation has demonstrated cost savings amount political entities via shared equipment, personnel, and phisical facilities.

Donald Harpster
IT Coordinator, Stark County Sheriff's Office, Ohio